My name is Mirjam Lovey-Potor and I am a child of God. I am a teacher in Debrecen, Hungary. Twelve years ago, I began painting to fill the empty walls at my school. My colleagues encouraged me to continue my hobby. This hobby has grown into a mission. It is my passion to share the good news of Jesus. Now, every year I make a calendar with thirteen paintings on it and give them away. I also make and give away small and large cards to share the Word of God with others. My desire is that more and more people will know Jesus’ will for their lives and to obey him.
The word of God is powerful, living, and active. As people experience God’s word, it is transforming. This is why I am inspired to make scripture the focus of every one of my paintings. Through my paintings, I hope people can encounter God’s word.
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword.” Hebrews 4:12
May God’s Word form our lives day by day.
With love, Mirjam
I invite you to join in the mission to share God’s Word in Debrecen. You can do this in two ways. First, you can order paintings for yourself here on this website! Second, you can make a donation to support the work.
My account number:
Lővey-Pótor Mirjam
(IBAN: HU47101034346898120001004009)